The autograph signing is over!

This choice: The autograph signing is over! (Back)

(Originally written by 2233445)

You hear Kara's voice above you. "Alright sweety, everybody's gone. Come out."

You feebly crawl out from your prison. You see that indeed, they had all left, it was just you and her.

She stood up and stretched. "You are really good at that, I can't believe you haven't done it before."

You stand up and stare at her, waiting for her to dismiss you so you can get this whole mess behind you.

Without another word, she turns and stalks away, leaving you to stare at her magnificent ass in peace. It was done.

The vixen called over her shoulder. "Well, come on then. I'll let you sleep in my closet."

You gaped for a moment, then decided to assert yourself. "What the hell? No way. Listen, that was more than enough punishment. I'm leaving."

You walked confidently towards the door. You later were shocked by your own stupidity.

You experienced immediate pain and vertigo, and when you regained your bearings you saw something familiar: The bottom of Supergirl's boot. Pinning your head to the ground.

She leaned on her knee and smiled confidently. "It's enough when I say so. Whatever I said before, I can't let such an asset go to waste. You'll be staying with me through my whole publicity tour." 

She ground her boot into your cheek."Still, it's cute how you thought you could stand up to me."
She removed her foot. 

You hesitantly stand up.

Supergirl crosses her arms. "So you're making a stand for your masculinity, are you? Well then...."

You have the following choices:

1. A fight

2. A contest

